(not) like the movies
a while ago i met up with blogger friend sharlee for dinner. we had the best conversations about so many things. since that dinner i've thought a lot about some of things we talked about. one conversation has really been on my mind.
obviously right?!? we all know the movies and reality aren't the same thing at all. my life is not hollywood so why do i sometimes expect life to be like the movies???
i'm not a big movie or tv watcher, but i do love a good reality show and romantic comedy. things always end the same. boy meets girl. sometimes some crazy and funny stuff happens. in the end, there's a fairytale.
in real life, the end isn't always a fairytale. sometimes the guy doesn't get the girl. sometimes the ending isn't happy. sometimes bad things happen to good people.
for a lot of years i expected the fairytale ending. i expected to meet a guy at a party or church or a race or a blind date. i somewhat ridiculously thought that after waiting so long, the dating game would end, and magically my life would be like the movies.
saying that out loud in my conversation with sharlee/typing it out makes me realize how ridiculous that is. life is full of hard times and struggles and hard work and success and even happy endings, but it's not like what we see on the screen.
so until i figure out what that happy ending is for me, i'll keep struggling through the dating game/lack of dating, and if you know any amazing single guys, send them my way.
i want to hear your thoughts? do you wish life was like the movies?
This is something I had to realize early on too, especially when it came to romance and dating. Back to reality. lol
ReplyDeleteI had such a great time visiting with you, I could have stayed for hours! I still believe in happy endings: ) But yeah, you know...I think expectations are a double edged sword. It's important to have them, but when things don't turn out the way we hope/want them too it's so hard/disappointing. I am definitely keeping my eye out for a good guy!!!
ReplyDeleteI had such a great time visiting with you, I could have stayed for hours! I still believe in happy endings: ) But yeah, you know...I think expectations are a double edged sword. It's important to have them, but when things don't turn out the way we hope/want them too it's so hard/disappointing. I am definitely keeping my eye out for a good guy!!!
ReplyDeleteYeah I always like to think about "what if that was me in that movie or show" and I think about that but I do come back to real life and have to remember not to compare the two.
ReplyDeleteSometimes I wish life was like the movies but sometimes I don't. The characters in the movies always seem to get what they want and don't grow from their experiences.
ReplyDeleteOur life is its own movie, it's just not predictable and like every other movie we see ;) Joe likes to say that all chick flicks have the same plot and you know exactly what's going to happen. What fun would life be if we could predict what was coming down the line for us like that? Well... sometimes it might be a lot more fun than stressful, but you know what I mean.
ReplyDeleteI wish my life was like the movies in the sense that character's hair and makeup are always perfectly done. If I could have that, that would be great. I'll pass on the rest! :)
ReplyDeleteI have always felt as if my entire day-to-day existence was a movie. I have been labeled as a "Deep Soul" or the "Romantic Fool", but every day feels as if I am the camera, moving about recording everything I see. When I drive past something beautiful it is hard not to get emotional because at that moment in time, the perfect song or music will play in my head and it is almost too much to bear. It is both a blessing and a curse. Before (and after) I met John, I also sat around waiting for my "Happy Ending". Then I realized that life will never grant you the happy ending you see in the movies. Don't let that fool you though into thinking they do not exist...because they do, they just come disguised. :-D
Those dang movies.They really do set us all up for disappointment! We make our own movies, and they are not all glamourous or wrapped up in a bow at the end, but they are ours! I try to own it and enjoy the little things:). Great post!
ReplyDeleteYES to all of this. And even when you do meet a guy and get married and have babies and all that good stuff it still isn't like the movies. I think the older I get the more I realize that struggle and disappointment and failure are as much a part a life as joy and love and pleasure. It sounds so pessimistic but there is no "happy ending" (maybe the celestial kingdom?) there is just continual struggle and inconvenience and hardship (mixed with great weekends and family we love and Christmas mornings) because that is how we grow and learn and ultimately become good people. I think I fall into the trap of thinking "everything will be better when".... when really life will continue to always be full of tough times. Monson said "sorrow and suffering are universal." I know how hard it is to not be in the place you thought you would be at this point in life, but trust me we are all there to some degree.
ReplyDeleteJust read that comment and it was insanely depressing. Basically I love you and I feel your pain.