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Friday, March 11, 2016

mini fitfam meetup

i love meeting new people. i love meeting people in real life that i know online. i love working out with other people. basically i love people!
last friday i had the chance to do all of the above. i started the csatt fitness program in january. i didn't tell many people, and i didn't make a big deal about it. i love so many things about the program. one of the many things i love is the community. it's so much easier to stick with a plan when you have an online community of supporters. it's even better when you connect with them in real life.
danielle and brad came to town to visit family so we organized a small meet up while they were here. 
we met for a quick breakfast at michelle's house. 
it was so fun and exciting to meet everyone in person.
after breakfast we went to the gym. cody put us through one of the hardest workouts i have had in a long time. it was intense and fast and hard and so good. it reminded me of my crossfit days. i miss working out that hard all the time.
danielle's daily #gymantics pciture

after the workout we had a little time to chit chat before everyone had to leave. it was such a fun morning and so great to meet everyone.
i wish we could all workout together everyday. 

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  1. It's awesome experience to meet the online friends in real life to share the moments. Very glad to know you have joined the fitness club to stay healthy and young.
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  2. Love, love, love!!!!! Wish we could work out together all the time!!! Loved meeting you so very much! Fitfam for life!

  3. What venue is this? Absolutely gorgeous!!
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