before the weekend started i didn't really have many plans. i needed to do some cleaning and other things around the house. i got that stuff done, but i also ended up with more plans than i originally expected.
i met sage, michelle, stafanie, and jessica for dinner on friday night. we had the best server who hooked us up with free drinks and lots of breadsticks. i took no pictures.
saturday morning started out bright and early with a really good run. it was so dark and cold when we started, and i had a bad attitude. once the sun came up, it ended up being such a beautiful day. i had a great running day which hasn't happened very often lately.
i met kristie and laurann for a late lunch to celebrate kristie's birthday. we had fun catching up. again i took no pictures.
after lunch i went to nordstrom rack for a few things and ran into a friend. it was really good to see her and catch up.
sage and i went to tsunami for dinner. we had another late dinner which worked out great after going to lunch later.
the provo city center temple was dedicated on sunday. i went to the 9:00 session which meant i was done with church by 10:30. it was so great.
i met sarah in the afternoon for some blog photos. we discovered the best wall in provo for photo backdrops.
by the time i got home, i finished laundry, cooked dinner, and worked on the computer the day was over.
the weekend got busier than planned, and i loved it. how was your weekend? any exciting happs?

What a fun weekend! Your sushi looks really good. I would be in a foul mood if I was running in the cold too. ;)