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Monday, May 2, 2016

one little word: may goals

i am so excited for may! april was a good month, but it was really really busy. i am also really looking forward to summer. 
it's time for another goal check in. we are already done with 1/3 of 2016. how are your goals going so far?

yearly goals to be still
1. morning and night quiet time-i am doing well with the morning. i turn the radio off and try to clear my head first thing. i need to do better at night.
2. attend the temple monthly-my mom and i went to the st. louis temple while i was there
3. color once a week-FAIL-i need to buy a kid coloring book
4. prayer book-keep list of people i need to remember to pray for-the list is beside my bed. i added to it, but i could still do better.

april goals
1. try one new workout class-either yoga or pure barre-i went to pure barre twice. i still want to make it to a yoga class
2. select weekly ponderize scripture again-for a long while i selected a scripture each week to focus on. i haven't been doing as well with it lately-i did ok. i was out of town so i missed a week, but i try to pick out a scripture each week.
3. send 3 cards in the mail-i love sending mail. i've haven't done much of it this year-i sent a few things in the mail. i want to continue this

may goals
1. no treats for 30 days
2. wake up 15 minutes early to allow time for morning meditation and journaling
3. increase my water intake to more than 100 oz
4. be in bed by midnight

how are your goals going? what are you working on this month? grab the button and link up below.
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  1. I definitely need to work on being in bed by midnight too!

  2. I'm working on no treats as well--although I wasn't 100% perfect in April, it really helped me a lot. I am going to allow some treats in May, but no refined sugar treats. Should be interesting:) Also, I love the idea of keeping track of people you need to pray for. I really should do that.

  3. I really need to cut back on sweets, I have been bad lately. Those adult coloring books are a bit much for me, too! Lol! So much detail. I've had a prayer journal since the start of January 2015 and I just love it! I write in it Mon.-Fri. and give myself the weekend off. I don't even know how much water I drink, I should see if I'm drinking enough. I took a trial pure-barre class once and LOVED it. Dang, they are expensive classes, tho!


  4. I really need to cut back on treats, but I think it'll be a bit easier with warmer weather...During spring and summer, I tend to crave fruit-flavored things.

  5. We are nearing the end of a no fast food month. It's actually gone really well. I usually do Yoga videos but was thinking about signing up for a class this Summer to get out of the house and a short break from my hoard. :) Good luck with your goals!!

  6. Sounds like you're making good progress. It's nice to see easily quantifiable goals like drinking 100 oz of water per day. Keep up the good work!


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