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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

wwyd... 10.0

ever since kimberly and i picked the theme for this month, i have been so excited. a lot of times i am working on my project the night before the post, but i am happy to report i was prepared a couple of weeks ahead.
so, we want to know...
with a can of spray paint?
my new fave way to spraypaint. cut 2 sides off a box and eliminate the mess.

i love spray paint and have been wanting to try spray painting glass for a while. it worked so well. 
project #1...cake stand
glass candlestick from dollar store
matte gold spray paint
decorative plate from target
strong glue (i use GOOP, but E6000 works too)
1. spray paint candlestick with 2-3 coats
2. glue candlestick to bottom center of plate with goop
3. let dry and it's ready to use
 i made the cake plate specifically to take this lemon cake to work. recipe coming soon

project #2...vegetable bouquet
i made a couple of fruit bouquets a couple of months ago and have been wanting to make them again. i decided to try vegetables and also spray paint this time.
i always prefer working with spray paint over acrylic/craft paint. it's less of a mess and dries faster. i used the same spray it in the box technique from above, and it seemed like it worked perfectly...until the next day when paint rubbed off the pot onto my hands. i definitely needed a primer and sealant to make this work. i'm not giving up on the spray paint and will definitely try again.
terracotta pot
green plant/craft foam (i used a half circle that fit perfectly in the pot)
veggies of your choice (i used radishes, green and red peppers, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, cucumber, zucchini, grape tomatoes)

1. start with a spray paint primer
2. spray 2-3 coats of gold paint
3. seal with spray sealant
4. cover opening of pot with foam
5. stick in skewers at varying heights
6. fill skewers with veggies
7. fill in holes with additional skewers

so that's what i did with my can of spray paint

let's hear it
WHAT WOULD YOU DO...with a can of spray paint?
link up below
and come back next month and tell us
with a zucchini (you know since it's gardening season)


  1. I need to make that cake plate!! Ever since I found Mix and Match Mama's bundt cake recipes I've been making cakes and have no way to display them!

  2. Impressive, Aubrey! I love the vegetable bouquet, so cute!

  3. What a cute veggie bouquet! (I'm pinning it.)

  4. Love that cake stand and the veggie bouquet is so fun! Love it.

  5. Your vegetable bouquet is SUPER creative!!!! :) And I love the cake stand. I'm going to be making one of those of my own, but to put next to my kitchen sink for my hand soap dispenser, etc. to sit on in a nice, tidy place!


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