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Thursday, December 24, 2015

gardner village elves

i think we're all pretty aware i hate winter. i am diligently trying to complain a little less this year. in an effort to enjoy winter (and complain less), we created a winter woes list. the idea is we'll be too busy with our list to be miserable about winter. besides the snow storm of the century last week, it's working pretty well.

we never made it to gardner village to see the witches this year so we for sure wanted to see the elves. they are pretty much the same every year, but it is still fun to see.

part of our list was to ride trax, have dinner, and see the elves. we had a fun night doing all those things. 
 photo aubrey-sig_zps0ck6qpqn.png


  1. I love the Winter Woes list--I might have to copy that--for winter and other times in my life that are just plain stressful or for things I don't particularly enjoy! This sounds like a perfect night!

  2. How fun! I need to go to Gardner Village more often!

  3. Thank you for visiting Gardner Village. We're glad you enjoyed your visit. Please come see us again soon.


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