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Sunday, June 30, 2013

writing {blogger roundtable part 4}

I look forward to the Blogger Roundtable every month. Bonnie does such a great job hosting, and the time always passes way too quickly. I was extra excited this month because I got to meet may30x30/blogging the bach friend Kimberly in real life.
The topic this month was writing. I was a little surprised at the first roundtable when several people mentioned one of the main reasons they blog is to have a space to write. Even though that isn't one of the reasons I blog, the discussion was still very applicable. We talked a lot about blogging the tough stuff, quality writing, challenges in writing, and things that make us keep coming back to a blog. Spending an evening connecting with other bloggers chatting the night away is my favorite. Like a good teacher, Bonnie made us all share what we wanted to take away and implement. I want to try to care a little less what other people think of me and write more of the tough stuff. Feel free to check in with me to see if I really do it.

I nearly died of excitement meeting Kimberly IRL.
 Suzzie, Kimberly, Tayler, me, Bonnie

Although this roundtable was a little smaller than in the past, it was perfect. It allowed for some really great discussion. Blogging just keeps getting better and better! Thanks Bonnie for another fab night of blog talk.

Tomorrow is the big day when google reader goes buh bye. If you want to stick around (and I hope you do), click the + circle at the top to follow on bloglovin'


  1. Such a fun night, and you are the sweetest nicest person and I'm so glad I got to meet you for reals!!! :)

  2. that was such a fun night! I can't wait to do it again


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