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Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 word of the year

i like choosing a word as my theme for the year. i've been thinking about my word for 2015 for a few months.
one of my problems with the past year is i often felt like i was all over the place. i want this year to be different. i want to be more purposeful with my time. 
my word for 2015 is
i plan to focus on one thing each month and set smaller goals to meet the bigger goal. i thought about picking my goals for the whole year, but i decided to do it a few months at a time. if something becomes a priority, i can always change. for the first part of the year i plan to focus on
i'm looking forward to 2015. did you pick a word? link up your word of the year post below.


  1. Oooh! I love this! Can't wait to hear more!

  2. Love your word!!! I think you'll do great things with it! And I love linking up with you, feels like old times :) Don't worry, it feels like future times too!

  3. Focus is a great word! I definitely could use more focus in my life too :D Cheers to 2015 ♥

  4. no way! focus is my word for 2015 too!

  5. It was so hard to chose a word of the year!

  6. Focus is such a great word! I know I could use a little more of that this year. My word is grow.

  7. I picked a word and it will be shared on Monday! :)

  8. way to hit the nail on the head. I need some of that focus magic over here. My brain and thoughts and attention are all over the place! Here's to a wonderful 2015 to all of us!


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